Description: Triggers a no-content download of artifacts from a remote Artifactory repository for all artifacts under the specified remote folder. Can optionally delete local files if they do not exist in the remote folder,
overwrite local files only if they are older than remote files or never overwrite local files.
The default is not to delete any local files and to overwrite older local files with remote ones. By default progress marks of the sync are displayed. The default timeout for the remote file list is 15000 milliseconds (15 seconds).
Notes: This API is deprecated. Requires Artifactory Pro
Security: Requires a privileged user (can be anonymous) For non-admin users will replicate at max the number of files as defined by the
system property.
Usage: GET /api/sync/{remoteRepositoryKey}/{folderPath}[?progress=showProgress][&mark=numOfBytesToPrintANewProgressMark][&delete=deleteExistingFiles][&overwrite=never/force][&timeout=fileListTimeoutInMillis]
Produces: text/plain
Since: 2.2.4
Sample Output:
GET /api/sync/my-remote/org/acme/1.0?progress=1&delete=1 ..................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... .......................................... Completed: 970/1702 bytes ..................................................... .................. Completed: 1702/1702 bytes Completed with 0 errors and 2 warnings (please check the server log for more details).