Description: Gets the history of the retention operations
Security: Requires admin privileges
Usage: GET /artifactory/api/v1/bundle/retention/audit
Produces: application/json
Since: 7.55.1
Sample Usage:
QUERY_PARAMS: offset, limit, order_by, direction offset - offset in a set of historical operations. Default is 0. limit - maximum amount of items to return. Default is 100. order_by - "bundle_name"|"bundle_version"|"operation"|"created"|"created_by". Default is "created". direction - "asc"|"desc". Default is "desc". response: { "total": 4, "items": [ { "bundle_name": "rb-2", "bundle_version": "ver-23", "operation": "DELETE"|"KEEP"|"UNKEEP", "created": "2022-10-25T13:24:49.643+0200", "created_by": "admin" } ] }