Description: Refreshes the authentication token for an existing (non-transient) user.
Since: 1.2
Security: admin for itself and others (or with admin scope), user for itself only
Usage: POST /api/v1/security/token
Request Headers: N/A
Consumes: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Field | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
| String | yes | The grant type used to authenticate the request. In this case, the only value supported is "refresh_token". | |
| String | yes | The access token to refresh. | |
| String | yes | The refresh token of the access token that needs to be refreshed. | |
| Long | no | 0 | The time in seconds for which the token will be valid. To specify a token that never expires, set to zero. |
| Boolean | no | true | If true, this token is refreshable and the refresh token can be used to replace it with a new token once it expires. |
cURL Example
$ curl -X POST -u user:password http://ARTIFACTORY_SERVER_HOSTNAME:8082/distribution/api/v1/security/token -d "grant_type=refresh_token" -d "refresh_token=fgsg53t3g…" -d "access_token=gsfdgw35gt..."
Response status codes:
200 - Successfully refreshed token
Response headers: N/A
Produces: application/json
{ "access_token": "eyJ2ZXIiOiIyIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYiLCJraWQiOiJ6WWFWQjVFRlpkOXlpbWtCNkZTbDAtSWFhMHRPWldLX293c1BTVTNTZmdNIn0.eyJzdWIiOiJsZW5vbiIsInNjcCI6ImFwcGxpZWQtcGVybWlzc2lvbnNcL2FkbWluIiwiYXVkIjoiamZkc0AwMWNoMDV0ajRuM3NzODBzNm4zdjIzMDdiOSIsImlzcyI6ImpmZHNAMDFjaDA1dGo0bjNzczgwczZuM3YyMzA3YjkiLCJleHAiOjE1MzAwOTk2MTgsImlhdCI6MTUzMDA5OTQ5NSwianRpIjoiYTQzM2YwZDAtNTQ5OC00YjI5LWE5ODctZjI3MTNkYmMyOTdmIn0.E7csEhcHqsOJxz1jmhDVu_Ij51yQyxYifMXusexqZk78pi_7YHlJcY1iRg6VMthdv8_Db2CsaNzYdubCyTTt77OOTSVfqJdZsm_0AEz-paIj71lvgyJBFLZ2bjE253tMGLgweypUqqEsEH3J3FyfAaw4XXURlKT5inbwKklMu-DvPG5772ZS1Y6YPU8oOGc2dWg_BHUvjMTJ5vQAw0Ws5Ta2CJ0DF40JLQKcyN_JCgzQ2RCXr2C70JIF9Fa0OBaIKVT-DguSNGU83dnr-YF0XBsUcTDu5K-Jl5H3FMdb129awXe4_fLLdltMK8iAaRujsIDlvexdlezVal4nLRZcxA", "refresh_token": "f96bda0c-ab50-4b7e-96f1-be8bd20605a3", "expires_in": 123, "scope": "applied-permissions/admin", "token_type": "Bearer" }