Description: Finds the bundles that are candidates for retention according to the configuration type.
Security: Requires admin privileges
Usage: POST: /artifactory/api/v1/bundle/retention/report
Produces: application/json
Since: 7.55.1
Sample Usage:
QUERY_PARAMS: offset, limit, order_by, direction, pattern (name/version pattern) offset - offset in set of all fitting bundle versions (fitting by retention config). Default is 0. limit - maximum amount of items to return. Default is 100. order_by - "bundle_name"|"bundle_version"|"distribution_time"|"keep". Default is "distribution_time". direction - "asc"|"desc". Default is "asc". pattern - case insensitive name/version pattern, where "*" is allowed as the wild card. Default is "*". BODY: { "include_keep": true, "type": "MAX_VERSIONS_PER_RELEASE_BUNDLE"|"MAX_DAYS_TO_KEEP" } response: { "total": 180, "items": [ { "bundle_name": "rb-0", "bundle_version": "ver-18", "creation_time": 1665488849956, "distribution_time": 1665488849968, "keep": true }, { "bundle_name": "rb-0", "bundle_version": "ver-19", "creation_time": 1665488850024, "distribution_time": 1665488850041, "keep": false } ] }