Description: Creates multiple repositories using a batch request. The batch request can contain a mix of different package types and repository types.
For additional details and restrictions, see Create Repository.
When creating multiple repositories using a batch request, if one of the repository configurations is invalid, the entire batch request will fail.
Since: 7.84.3
Security: Requires an admin user.
Usage: PUT /artifactory/api/v2/repositories/batch
Sample Request:
curl --location --request PUT 'http://{host}:{port}/artifactory/api/v2/repositories/batch' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \ --data '[ { "key": "wproj-dev-docker-local-1", "packageType": "docker", "description": "", "notes": "", "includesPattern": "**/*", "excludesPattern": "", "rclass": "local" }, { "key": "wproj-dev-docker-local-2", "packageType": "docker", "description": "", "notes": "", "includesPattern": "**/*", "excludesPattern": "", "rclass": "local" } ]'
Sample Response:
Successfully created repository 'wproj-dev-docker-local-1' Successfully created repository 'wproj-dev-docker-local-2'
Status Codes:
Code | Description |
201 | Repositories created successfully |
400 | Bad request; batch limit exceeded; mandatory keys not configured |
409 | Repository key conflict |
500 | Internal server error |