Description: Gets a single step for the supplied ID.
Security: Requires bearer token as authentication header and the token used needs to be of a valid user.
Usage: GET api/v1/steps/:stepId
Consumes: application/json
Sample Response:
GET api/v1/steps/55 { "configPropertyBag": { "runtime": { "type": "host" }, "affinityGroup": "together", "inputSteps": [ { "name": "ag_step_1" } ], "environmentVariables": [ { "key": "MY_MESSAGE", "value": "\"Hello World!\"", "isReadOnly": true } ], "nodePool": "u16", "timeoutSeconds": 3600, "isOnDemand": false, "instanceSize": null, "nodeName": "1" }, "execPropertyBag": { "onExecute": [ "pwd", "cat myoutput.txt" ] }, "id": 55, "pipelineId": 62, "pipelineSourceId": 109, "pipelineStepId": 73, "projectId": 1, "name": "ag_step_2", "runId": 41, "statusCode": 4003, "typeCode": 2007, "affinityGroup": "together", "groupInProgress": false, "pendingLogsComplete": true, "isConsoleArchived": true, "fileStoreProvider": null, "pipelineStateArtifactName": null, "triggeredByResourceVersionId": null, "triggeredByStepId": null, "triggeredByIdentityId": 3, "triggeredAt": "2020-01-06T21:45:37.911Z", "timeoutAt": "2020-01-06T22:45:50.636Z", "readyAt": null, "queuedAt": "2020-01-06T21:45:49.641Z", "endedAt": "2020-01-06T21:45:51.613Z", "startedAt": "2020-01-06T21:45:50.636Z", "externalBuildId": null, "externalBuildUrl": null, "staticPropertyBag": null, "createdAt": "2020-01-06T21:45:37.951Z", "updatedAt": "2020-01-06T21:46:06.296Z" }
Response Codes:
200: Success
404: No step was found for the supplied ID