Description: Calculates an artifact's SHA256 checksum and attaches it as a property (with key "sha256"). If the artifact is a folder, then recursively calculates the SHA256 of each item in the folder and attaches the property to each item.
Since: 4.2.1
Security: Requires an admin user
Consumes: application/json
Usage: POST /api/checksum/sha256 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Sample Usage:
POST /api/checksum/sha256 -H "Content-Type: application/json" { "repoKey":"ext-snapshot-local", "path":"artifactory-powerpack-3.9.3/bin/" }
Artifactory natively supports SHA-256 since Artifactory version 5.5. For more information, see SHA-256 Support. Therefore, there is no longer a need to attach the checksum as a property of the artifact. This API has been maintained to provide backward compatibility for users of older Artifactory versions.