This endpoint can be per use case or one for all (or some) use cases. The decision should be made based on service and use case requirements. The following definition is for an endpoint that serves several use cases.
Description: Creates a pairing token for a specific use case.
Since: 7.29.7
Authorization: Requires admin permissions.
Usage: POST /<svc>/api/v1/service_trust/pairing/{use-case}
The use-case in the usage above is per service, per use case, where <svc> should hold the service type. For example::
mission-control- for pairing an edge with Mission Control
artifactory-cold- for establishing trust between "warm" and "cold" instances
artifactory-cold/<ns> - re-establish a revoked trust with a given namespace
Produces: application/json
Sample Usage:
Sample Usage for Federated Repository
POST /artifactory/api/v1/service_trust/pairing/{federated-repo/*} 200 { "pairing_token": "<pairing-token>" }
Sample Usage for Mission Control
POST /access/api/v1/service_trust/pairing/mission-control 200 { "pairing_token": "<pairing-token>" }
Sample Response:
{ "ext": "{\"base_url\":\"http://localhost:9092\",\"exchange_url\":\"http://localhost:9092/artifactory/api/v1/service_trust/exchange\",\"revocable\":true}", "sub": "jfrt@01fnba8awk5na51pmjmjhm15qk/users/admin", "scp": "internal:service-trust/pairing/federated-repo/*:x", "aud": "jfrt@01fnba8awk5na51pmjmjhm15qk", "iss": "jfrt@01fnba8awk5na51pmjmjhm15qk/users/admin", "exp": 1637836575, "iat": 1637836275, "jti": "4be13896-2fef-418d-b07c-951cbd05ba71" }
Error Response Codes:
404 Not found - the specified use case is unknown to the service