The following examples show how to configure a XrayScan step. For more information on XrayScan Pipeline steps, see XrayScan.
Trigger an Xray Scan for Build Name and Number
Triggers an Xray scan for the build name and number provided by an input BuildInfo resource.
This example require a GitHub Integration and an Artifactory Integration or JFrog Platform Access Token Integration .
The Pipelines DSL for this example is available in t his repository in the JFrog GitHub account.
template: true # required for local templates valuesFilePath: ./values.yml resources: - name: app_repo type: GitRepo configuration: gitProvider: {{ .Values.gitIntegration }} path: {{ .Values.gitRepositoryPath }} branches: include: master - name: app_buildinfo type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{ .Values.artifactoryIntegration }} - name: app_promoted_buildinfo type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{ .Values.artifactoryIntegration }} pipelines: - name: app_dev_pipeline steps: - name: app_build type: DockerBuild configuration: affinityGroup: docker_group dockerFileLocation: . dockerFileName: Dockerfile dockerImageName: {{ .Values.artifactoryUrl }}/{{ .Values.sourceRepository }}/{{ .Values.imageName }} dockerImageTag: ${run_number} inputResources: - name: app_repo integrations: - name: {{ .Values.artifactoryIntegration }} - name: app_push type: DockerPush configuration: affinityGroup: docker_group targetRepository: {{ .Values.sourceRepository }} integrations: - name: {{ .Values.artifactoryIntegration }} inputSteps: - name: app_build - name: publish_app_build type: PublishBuildInfo configuration: affinityGroup: docker_group inputSteps: - name: app_push outputResources: - name: app_buildinfo - name: xrayScanStep type: XrayScan configuration: inputResources: - name: app_buildinfo
Update Output BuildInfo Resource
Updates an output BuildInfo resource that can be used as an input to future steps. Using an output resource means that you can be sure that those versions have been scanned when using that resource as an input.
pipelines: - name: xrayScanPipeline steps: - name: xrayScanStep type: XrayScan configuration: inputResources: - name: inputBuildInfo outputResources: - name: outputBuildInfo