For your reference, here is the complete Pipelines DSL for the example pipeline.
- name: simplehelmRepo_docker type: GitRepo configuration: gitProvider: my_github path: myrepo/simplehelm files: include: "Dockerfile|server.js|package.json" - name: simplehelmDockerImage type: Image configuration: registry: myDocker imageName: myproject/simplehelm imageTag: latest - name: simplehelmRepo_chart type: GitRepo configuration: gitProvider: my_github path: myrepo/simplehelm files: include: "simplehelm.*" - name: simplehelmChart type: HelmChart configuration: sourceArtifactory: art repository: simplecharts chart: simplehelm version: 0.0.0
pipelines: - name: helm_full_flow steps: - name: build_image type: DockerBuild configuration: affinityGroup: buildAndPush integrations: - name: myDocker inputResources: - name: simplehelmRepo_docker dockerFileLocation: . dockerFileName: Dockerfile dockerImageName: myproject/simplehelm dockerImageTag: $run_number - name: push_image type: DockerPush configuration: affinityGroup: buildAndPush integrations: - name: myDocker targetRepository: myproject/simplehelm inputSteps: - name: build_image outputResources: - name: simplehelmDockerImage - name: publish_helm_chart type: HelmPublish configuration: inputResources: - name: simplehelmRepo_chart outputResources: - name: simplehelmChart chartPath: ./simplehelm - name: deploy_helm_chart type: HelmDeploy configuration: integrations: - name: tr_kubernetes inputResources: - name: simplehelmChart - name: simplehelmDockerImage releaseName: simplehelm flags: "--namespace dev" valueFilePaths: - values.yaml