These environment variables are available to all executing pipelines.
Environment Variable | Description |
architecture | Node architecture, e.g. x86_64 |
builder_api_token | Token used to call pipelines API during step execution. Used internally but is accessible to user. |
current_script_section | onStart/onExecute/onComplete etc |
JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME | If not set as a variable in the YML or added as a pipeline, run, or step variable, it will be set to |
JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER | If not set as a variable in the YML or added as a pipeline, run, or step variable, it will be set to |
JFROG_CLI_BUILD_PROJECT | If not set as a variable in the YML or added as a pipeline, run, or step variable, it will be set to |
JFROG_PIPELINES_RUN_STATE_DEBUG | To download run state from the UI for debugging purposes, set the environment variable |
operating_system | OS where step is running, e.g. Ubuntu_20.04 |
PATH | The value of PATH in the currently executing runtime environment. |
pipeline_name | The name string of the pipeline currently executing. |
pipelines_api_url | API URL |
project_id | ID of the project in JFrog Pipelines |
project_key | Project key. If the project is the default project, this will be empty. |
project_name | Name of the project |
run_id | Internal unique ID for the run. |
run_number | The number of the run currently executing. |
running_in_container | True if step is running in a container. False if running on host. |
shared_workspace | The path of a directory available to all steps in an affinity group that may be used to share files between steps. |
step_<inputStepName>_statusName | This environment variable is automatically made available at runtime and can be used in any step. inputStepName is the name of your input step. This environment variable is useful for fetching the status of any input step. For an example, see using |
step_affinity_group | Affinity group step belongs to. Default is same as step name. |
step_id | Internal unique ID for the step currently executing. |
step_image_name | Name of the Docker image used to run the step (e.g. |
step_image_tag | Tag of Docker image used to run the step. |
step_name | The name of the step as specified in YAML. |
step_node_id | Internal unique ID for node |
step_node_name | Name of the node used to run step (user-configured when adding node) |
step_node_pool_name | Name of the node pool used to run the step (user configured when creating pool) |
step_platform | Same as operating system. |
step_runtime | Set to "image" or "host" |
step_triggered_by_identity_name | If triggered by a user, name of user. Else empty |
step_triggered_by_resource_name | If triggered by a resource, the name of the resource. Otherwise, this environment variable is empty. |
step_triggered_by_step_name | If triggered by another step, name of step. Else empty |
step_type | The type of step as specified in the field in YAML (e.g., "Bash," "DockerBuild," etc.) |
step_url | Direct link to step |