View Metadata for Signed Pipelines

JFrog Pipelines Documentation

JFrog Pipelines
Content Type
User Guide

When you have a successful build for a pipeline, the metadata for the artifacts and builds for that pipeline is displayed in the corresponding repository in Artifactory:

Go to Artifactory | Artifacts | <repo_name> | projects | <version>, navigate and click one of the files. This displays the Pipelines tab, which shows the metadata for the run that created the artifact.


The Pipelines tab appears only when you click a file.


Similarly, go to Artifactory | Builds | <build_name> | <build_id>and click thePipelinestab, which shows metadata for the build.


View pipeinfo.json

A pipeInfo.json file is generated for each run under the Project/Pipeline namespace. This file captures the metadata for a specific step of a pipeline, as well as a detailed Bill of Materials (BOM) for each run. The pipe-info includes information, such as name, version, type, status, timestamps, inputs, outputs, nodepools and more.This information is maintained in the run stateduring execution. When the run completes, the json file is uploaded to the appropriate repository.

To view the pipeinfo.json file, go the run page, click the action button on the upper left corner and click Pipe Info. The contents of the pipeinfo.json file is displayed in a json viewer.
