The following examples show how to configure an NpmBuild step. For more information about NpmBuild Pipeline steps, see NpmBuild.
Using Default Settings
An NpmBuild step using default locations and default commands.
This example requires a GitHub Integration.
The Pipelines DSL for this example is available in this repository in the JFrog GitHub account.
For more information about running this example, see Pipeline Example: Npm Build.
# This config file is templatized so that it can be easily customized. Values can be provided with a values.yml file. template: true # required for local templates valuesFilePath: ./values.yml resources: - name: npm_repo_jfp_example type: GitRepo configuration: # SCM integration where the repository is located gitProvider: {{ .Values.myRepo.gitProvider }} # Repository path, including org name/repo name path: {{ .Values.myRepo.path }} branches: # Specifies which branches will trigger dependent steps include: master - name: npm_buildinfo_jfp_example type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: demoArt pipelines: - name: npm_pipeline_jfp_example steps: - name: npm_build_step type: NpmBuild configuration: repositoryName: npm-virtual # required, npm repository name on artifacctory sourceLocation: . # required, location of package.json file integrations: - name: demoArt # required inputResources: - name: npm_repo_jfp_example # required
Using FileSpec Input
An NpmBuild step with a FileSpec input providing files for the build that are not in the GitRepo and resolverRepo specifying an Artifactory repository to use when resolving dependencies.
pipelines: - name: npmBuildPipeline steps: - name: npmBuildStep type: NpmBuild configuration: sourceLocation: "source" resolverRepo: remote-npm inputResources: - name: gitRepoResource - name: fileSpecResource integrations: - name: artifactory_integration