UploadArtifact - How it Works

JFrog Pipelines Documentation

JFrog Pipelines
Content Type
User Guide

When you use the UploadArtifact native step in a pipeline, it performs the functions shown below in the background. For more information on UploadArtifact Pipeline steps, see UploadArtifact.

  • jfrog rt config (configure JFrog CLI with the integration listed in the yaml)

  • jfrog rt use (configure JFrog CLI to use the config for the integration listed in the yaml)

  • mkdir (create a directory to use as the root of relative paths in the following actions)

  • cp (copy the FileSpec, RemoteFile, or GitRepo files to the new directory, limit one of each input type)

  • jfrog rt upload (upload the Artifact)

  • write_output (update the FileSpec output resource with the uploaded pattern and properties)

  • add_run_variables (save information in run state for future steps to reference)

  • jfrog rt build-collect-env (collect the build environment, preparing for build publish)

  • jfrog rt build-publish (publish the build, only if autoPublishBuildInfo is true)

  • write_output (update the BuildInfo output resource with the published name/number)

  • jfrog rt build-scan (if forceXrayScan is true)

  • add_run_files (adds build info to run state)