The following examples show how to configure a HelmBlueGreenRoleSwitch step. For more information about HelmBlueGreenRoleSwitch, see:HelmBlueGreenRoleSwitch.
Example 1
This pipeline shows how to deploy a Helm chart using the blue/green strategy and promote it to the Live role.
pipelines: - name: helmBlueGreenDeployPipeline steps: - name: helmDeployStep type: HelmBlueGreenDeploy configuration: helmVersion: 3 namespace: app-namespace blueReleaseName: app-blue greenReleaseName: app-green roleServices: - blueReferenceName: app-blue-service greenReferenceName: app-green-service idleName: app-idle-service liveName: app-service integrations: - name: kubernetes_integration inputResources: - name: helmChartResource - name: helmRoleSwitch type: HelmBlueGreenRoleSwitch configuration: deployStep: helmDeployStep integrations: - name: kubernetes_integration inputSteps: - name: helmDeployStep