Creating Stateful Pipelines

JFrog Pipelines Documentation

JFrog Pipelines
Content Type
User Guide

The execution of each step in a pipeline may be performed on different nodes. For this reason, you are not guaranteed that changes to the environment that are made within a step will persist to subsequent steps.

Stateful pipelines remember information generated by steps and make it available to dependent steps or successive runs of the same pipeline. This is a crucial component in order to achieve end-to-end Continuous Delivery.

Some example use-cases are the following:

  • A step creates information about the commitSha and image/file version that was built, which is then consumed by another step to deploy the correct version into the test environment.

  • A step creates a VPC for the Staging environment. It stores information like VPC info, subnets, security groups, etc. which is required by another step that deploys to the Staging environment.

  • You have a provisioning step that uses Terraform to create the Test environment. At a later stage in your pipeline, you have a deprovisioning step that destroys the test environment. Both these steps need to read and update the Terraform state file so they are aware of the current state of the Test environment.