This Pipelines Task builds an npm source. This step automatically performs npm-install
on the Git resource.
This task requires a jfrogcli v2.
- task: jfrog/npm-build@v0.0.1 repository: pipelines-tasks-virtual readInput: resourceName: <RESOURCE NAME> sourceLocation: "" rtRepositoryName: <RT_REPOSITORY_NAME> npmArgs: ""
Input Variables
Name | Description |
resourceName | Resource name used for performing npm build |
sourceLocation | Optional. Default will be treated as resource path mentioned in |
rtRepositoryName | Artifactory repository used to resolve NPM dependencies |
npmArgs | Optional. Any additional npm arguments to be passed to npm build |
Output Variables
Exported Environment Variables
How does it work?
jfrog rt config
(if there is a FileSpec input, to configure the JFrog CLI with the Artifactory credentials in the input FileSpec)jfrog rt npm-config
(configure the repository to resolve dependencies)jfrog rt npm-install - add_run_variables
(save information about this step for future steps)jfrog rt build-collect-env
(collect environment variables)add_run_files
(save the output and the build information in the run state for later publish steps)