When a step runs in a pipeline, it can have a specific status assigned to it, reflecting the outcome of its execution. Understanding these statuses is crucial for monitoring and troubleshooting pipelines, as they provide valuable insights into the execution and health of each step within the pipeline. Here is what each status means:
Success: This status signifies that the step executed successfully and produced the expected results.
Failure: A step is marked as "failure" when a user script fails to complete its intended operation.
Error: When the pipeline infrastructure or framework encounters operational issues that prevent the step from completing, it is labeled as "error."
Cancelled: Steps that are intentionally stopped or terminated before completion are marked as "cancelled." This can be due to manual intervention or automated processes.
Skipped: If a step was scheduled but not executed, it is labeled as "skipped." This can happen for various reasons, such as conditional checks or workflow logic.
Unstable: When a step is missing some dependencies or is in the process of synchronizing data, it can be marked as "unstable."
Timeout: If a step exceeds its allotted time for execution (as defined by a timeout setting), it is designated as "timeout." This could be due to resource constraints, a long-running task, or other factors that cause the step to exceed its time limit.