A pipeline can send information about its current build status (processing, success, orfailure) to a source repository for logging and display.
Most source control providers feature the ability to receive and log build status results from an external CI automation tool such as Pipelines. Source control users can then view those status logs through the source control's UI, or retrieve them through the source control manager's API.
Pipelines provides the update_commit_status utility function to send build status information to a GitRepo resource, associated with the sha of the GitRepo's latest commit.
You may wish to use this function to:
Identify whether a pull request can successfully build prior to merge
View the results of your build in your source provider UI
Make build results visible to those who do not have accounts on your organization's JFrog Platform Deployment, or do not have permissions to view the pipeline in Pipelines
Provide build status results to other automation tools through the source control API
The following topics review items related to sending build status to source control: