This Pipelines Task performs the following:
Takes input resources and it uses buildName and buildNumber to trigger a scan.
An optional input parameter outputResources and the buildInfo will be updated with the buildName and buildNumber and are used to trigger scan.
This task requires buildInfoResource.
- task: jfrog/pipelines-task@v0.0.1 repository: pipelines-tasks-virtual id: my-awesome-task input: buildInfoResource: value1 outputResources: value2 failOnScan: false
Input Variables
Name | Required | Default | Description |
buildInfoResource | true | May specify a GitRepo, FileSpec, or RemoteFile resource containing the file(s) to be uploaded. | |
autoPublishBuildInfo | false | false | If true, Build Info for the step will be published. |
buildInfoResource | false | Must specify a BuildInfo resource if autoPublishBuildInfo is set as true. | |
targetPath | true | Required. Path to upload the files, including repository name. | |
sourcePath | false | Files to upload. Default * | |
properties | false | Semi-colon separated properties for the uploaded Artifact. e.g. "myFirstProperty=one;mySecondProperty=two". pipelines_step_name, pipelines_run_number, pipelines_step_id, pipelines_pipeline_name, pipelines_step_type, and pipelines_step_platform will also be added | |
regExp | false | false | If true, sourcePath uses regular expressions instead of wildcards. |
flat | false | false | If true, the uploaded files are flattened, removing the directory structure. |
module | false | A module name for the Build Info. | |
deb | false | A distribution/component/architecture for Debian packages. If a component includes a / it must be double-escaped. e.g. distribution/my\/component/architecture for a my/component component. | |
recursive | false | false | If false, do not upload any matches in sub-directories. |
dryRun | false | false | If true, nothing is uploaded. |
symlinks | false | false | If true, symlinks are uploaded. |
explode | false | false | If true and the uploaded Artifact is an archive, the archive is expanded. |
exclusions | false | Semi-colon separated patterns to exclude. | |
includeDirs | false | false | If true, empty directories matching the criteria are uploaded. |
syncDeletes | false | A path under which to delete any existing files in Artifactory. | |
forceXrayScan | false | false | If true, an Xray Scan will be triggered for the step. |
failOnScan | false | true | If a scan failure should cause a step failure. Default is true. |
Output Variables
Exported Environment Variables
How does it work?
This task uploads files from the input resource to Artifactory.
This project is licensed under Apache 2.0 license.