When you use the HelmPublish native step in a pipeline, it performs the below functions in the background. For more information about HelmPublish Pipeline steps, see HelmPublish.
jfrog rt config (to configure the JFrog CLI with the Artifactory credentials)
jfrog rt use (to set the current default Artifactory configuration)
helm init --client-only (if the Helm version is 2)
replace_envs (if lint is true and there are valueFilePaths, to replace variable placeholders)
helm lint (if lint is true)
helm package
jfrog rt upload (upload the Helm chart)
write_output (to update the version in the output HelmChart resource)
jfrog rt build-collect-env (if autoPublishBuildInfo is true, collect environment variables)
jfrog rt build-publish (if autoPublishBuildInfo is true, publish the build info)
write_output (if autoPublishBuildInfo is true, to update the version in the output BuildInfo resource)