The HelmPublishAndDeploy template creates a pipeline that publishes a Helm Chart to a Helm repository in Artifactory, creates a Build Info, promotes the Build, and then deploys the Helm Chart from the promoted Build resource using the #UUID-b96e00a5-c5d1-cc04-4556-68e67b16f1e9HelmDeploy native step. Version 1.0.0 of this template uses JFrog CLI v1 and version 1.1.0 uses JFrog CLI v2.
HelmPublishAndDeploy YAML
resources: - name: {{ | default "GitRepoRes" }} type: GitRepo configuration: gitProvider: {{ .Values.GitRepo.gitProvider }} path: {{ .Values.GitRepo.path }} {{- if or (.Values.GitRepo.branches.include) (.Values.GitRepo.branches.exclude) }} branches: {{- if .Values.GitRepo.branches.include }} include: {{ .Values.GitRepo.branches.include }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.GitRepo.branches.exclude }} exclude: {{ .Values.GitRepo.branches.exclude }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if or (.Values.GitRepo.files.include) (.Values.GitRepo.files.exclude) }} files: {{- if .Values.GitRepo.files.include }} include: {{ .Values.GitRepo.files.include }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.GitRepo.files.exclude }} exclude: {{ .Values.GitRepo.files.exclude }} {{- end }} {{- end }} - name: {{ | default "BuildInfoRes" }} type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{ .Values.artifactoryIntegration }} {{- if .Values.BuildInfoPromoted }} - name: {{ | default "BuildInfoPromotedRes" }} type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{ .Values.artifactoryIntegration }} {{- end }} - name: {{ | default "HelmChartRes" }} type: HelmChart configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{ .Values.artifactoryIntegration }} repository: {{ .Values.HelmChart.repository }} chart: {{ .Values.HelmChart.chartName }} version: {{ .Values.HelmChart.chartVersion }} pipelines: - name: {{ | default "HelmDeployPipeline" }} configuration: jfrogCliVersion: 2 {{- if or (.Values.BuildInfo.buildName) (.Values.BuildInfo.buildNumber) }} environmentVariables: readOnly: {{- if .Values.BuildInfo.buildName }} JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME: {{ .Values.BuildInfo.buildName }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.BuildInfo.buildNumber }} JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER: {{ .Values.BuildInfo.buildNumber }} {{- end }} {{- end }} steps: - name: {{ | default "HelmPublish" }} type: HelmPublish configuration: helmVersion: {{ .Values.HelmChart.helmVersion | default 3 }} autoPublishBuildInfo: true chartPath: {{ .Values.HelmPublish.chartPath }} {{- if .Values.HelmPublish.flags }} flags: {{ .Values.HelmPublish.flags }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.HelmPublish.valueFilePaths }} valueFilePaths: {{- range $.Values.HelmPublish.valueFilePaths }} - {{ . }} {{- end }} {{- end }} lint: {{ .Values.HelmPublish.lint | default false }} {{- if .Values.HelmPublish.lintFlags }} lintFlags: {{ .Values.HelmPublish.lintFlags }} {{- end }} inputResources: - name: {{ | default "GitRepoRes" }} outputResources: - name: {{ | default "BuildInfoRes" }} - name: {{ | default "HelmChartRes" }} {{- if and (.Values.PromoteBuild) (.Values.BuildInfoPromoted) }} - name: {{ | default "PromoteBuild" }} type: PromoteBuild configuration: copy: {{ .Values.PromoteBuild.copy | default false }} targetRepository: {{ .Values.PromoteBuild.targetRepository }} inputResources: - name: {{ | default "BuildInfoRes" }} trigger: {{ .Values.PromoteBuild.autoPromotion | default true }} outputResources: - name: {{ | default "BuildInfoPromotedRes" }} {{- end }} - name: {{ | default "HelmDeploy" }} type: HelmDeploy configuration: {{- if .Values.HelmChart.namespace }} environmentVariables: HELM_NAMESPACE: {{ .Values.HelmChart.namespace }} {{- end }} integrations: - name: {{ .Values.kubernetesIntegration }} inputResources: {{- if and (.Values.PromoteBuild) (.Values.BuildInfoPromoted) }} - name: {{ | default "BuildInfoPromotedRes" }} {{- else }} - name: {{ | default "BuildInfoRes" }} {{- end }} chartPath: {{ .Values.HelmDeploy.chartPath }} chartName: {{ .Values.HelmChart.chartName }} chartVersion: {{ .Values.HelmChart.chartVersion }} helmVersion: {{ .Values.HelmChart.helmVersion | default 3 }} {{- if .Values.HelmDeploy.releaseName }} releaseName: {{ .Values.HelmDeploy.releaseName }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.HelmChart.namespace }} namespace: {{ .Values.HelmChart.namespace }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.HelmDeploy.flags }} flags: {{ .Values.HelmDeploy.flags }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.HelmDeploy.valueFilePaths }} valueFilePaths: {{- range $.Values.HelmDeploy.valueFilePaths }} - {{ . }} {{- end }} {{- end }} lint: {{ .Values.HelmDeploy.lint | default false }} {{- if .Values.HelmDeploy.lintFlags }} lintFlags: {{ .Values.HelmDeploy.lintFlags }} {{- end }} test: {{ .Values.HelmDeploy.test | default false }} {{- if .Values.HelmDeploy.testFlags }} testFlags: {{ .Values.HelmDeploy.testFlags }} {{- end }}
resources: - name: fooGitRepo type: GitRepo configuration: gitProvider: bb_benha path: ~benha/simplehelm branches: include: master files: include: simplehelm.* - name: fooBuild type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: art_v - name: fooBuildPromote type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: art_v - name: fooHelmChart type: HelmChart configuration: sourceArtifactory: art_v repository: simplecharts chart: simplehelm version: 0.3.0 pipelines: - name: fooHelmDeploy configuration: environmentVariables: readOnly: JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME: foo JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER: '${run_number}' steps: - name: HelmPublish type: HelmPublish configuration: helmVersion: 3 autoPublishBuildInfo: true chartPath: ./simplehelm lint: false inputResources: - name: fooGitRepo outputResources: - name: fooBuild - name: fooHelmChart - name: fooPromoteBuild type: PromoteBuild configuration: copy: false targetRepository: helm-promote inputResources: - name: fooBuild trigger: true outputResources: - name: fooBuildPromote - name: fooHelmDeploy type: HelmDeploy configuration: environmentVariables: HELM_NAMESPACE: pipe-master-pool integrations: - name: k8s inputResources: - name: fooBuildPromote chartPath: . chartName: simplehelm chartVersion: 0.3.0 helmVersion: 3 releaseName: 'simplehelm-${run_id}' flags: >- --force --wait --timeout 900s --set image.repository=trriplejay/simplehelm --set image.tag=latest valueFilePaths: - values.yaml lint: true lintFlags: '--strict' test: true
values.yml: This is a samplevalues.yml
, which can be edited to create your own version of the file.
artifactoryIntegration: artifactory_integration # Required. Name of the Artifactory integration. kubernetesIntegration: kubernetes_integration # Required. Name of the Kubernetes integration. GitRepo: # Required. name: fooGitRepo # Name of the GitRepo resource. Defaults to GitRepoRes. gitProvider: github # Required. Name of the SCM integration which will be used to fetch the SCM repository. path: jfrog/jfrog-pipelines-simple-example # Required. Path to the SCM repository. branches: # Optional. exclude: ^master$ # Regex pattern to exclude branches. include: ^{{gitBranch}}$ # Regex pattern to include branches. files: # Optional. exclude: ^fileName$ # Regex pattern to exclude files. include: ^fileName$ # Regex pattern to include files. BuildInfo: # Required. name: fooBuild # Name of the BuildInfo resource. Defaults to BuildInfoRes. buildName: foo # Optional. Name of the Artifactory Build that will be created. Defaults to $pipeline_name. buildNumber: $run_number # Optional. Number of the Artifactory Build that will be created. Defaults to $run_number. BuildInfoPromoted: # Optional. name: fooBuildInfoPromoted # Name of the promoted BuildInfo resource. Defaults to BuildInfoPromotedRes. autoPromotion: false # Optional. When set to false, indicates that Build promotion in the pipeline will be manually triggered. Defaults to true. HelmChart: # Required. name: fooHelmChart # Name of the HelmChart resource. Defaults to HelmChartRes. chartName: foo # Required. Helm chart name. chartVersion: 0.0.1 # Required. Helm chart version. repository: foo # Required. The name of the Helm repository in Artifactory. helmVersion: 3 # Optional. A number representing the major version of Helm to use. Defaults to 3. namespace: foo # Optional. Set the namespace used for the Helm operations. Only supported when used with Helm 3. Pipeline: # Optional. name: foo # Name of the pipeline. Defaults to HelmDeployPipeline. HelmPublish: # Required. name: HelmPublish # Name of the HelmPublish step. Defaults to HelmPublish. chartPath: '.' # Required. The path to the Helm chart YAML in the GitRepo resource. flags: '--app-version=foo' # Optional. Command line options to pass to the helm package command. lint: true # Optional. When set to true performs a lint to examine a Helm chart for possible issues. Defaults to false. lintFlags: '--strict' # Optional. Flag string to pass to the helm lint command. valueFilePaths: # Optional. Specifies values YAML file(s) that will be used in the lint command helm lint command. - values.yaml # Optional. An exmaple of how to add a values YAML file. - values2.yaml # Optional. An exmaple of how to add an additional values YAML file. PromoteBuild: # Optional. name: fooPromoteBuild # Name of the PromoteBuild step. Defaults to PromoteBuild. targetRepository: fooPromote # Required. The name of the repository in Artifactory to promote the build to. copy: false # Optional. When set to true, copies the artifacts to the targetRepository vs moving them to the targetRepository. Defaults to false. HelmDeploy: # Required. name: fooHelmDeploy # Name of the HelmDeploy step. Defaults to HelmDeploy. chartPath: '.' # Required. The path to the Helm chart YAML in the input BuildInfo resource. releaseName: foo # Required. The release name. Equivalent to the --name (-n) option of the helm install command. flags: '--wait --timeout 900s' # Optional. Command line options to pass to the helm upgrade command. lint: true # Optional. When set to true performs a lint to examine a Helm chart for possible issues. Defaults to false. lintFlags: '--strict' # Optional. Flag string to pass to the helm lint command. valueFilePaths: # Optional. Specifies values YAML file(s) for use with a --values (-f) option of the helm lint command. - values.yaml - values2.yaml test: true # Optional. When set to true performs a test to run the tests for release. Defaults to false. testFlags: # Optional. Flag string to pass to the helm test command.