Jenkins Integration

JFrog Pipelines Documentation

JFrog Pipelines
Content Type
User Guide

The Jenkins Integration is used to connect the JFrog Pipelines platform to Jenkins. This will enable a Jenkins build job to trigger execution of a pipeline in Pipelines.


As of Pipelines 1.6.0, this integration is deprecated and unavailable for new use. Pipelines using this integration will still function, but it has been retired in favor of the Jenkins Server Integration.

Creating a Jenkins Integration

You can add this integration by following steps on the Managing Pipelines Integrations page.

Here is the information you need to create this integration:

  • Name -- choose a friendly name for the integration

  • url -- enter the HTTP endpoint (URL) of your Jenkins

  • callback user -- JFrog Platform username to use for basic authentication in the callback URL to Pipelines

  • callback password -- JFrog Platform user password


The Jenkins integration can be used in the BuildInfo resource.

A Jenkins integration can be added directly to a step in the integrations section to access its environment variables.

Once the integration has been created, it provides the format of the callback URL and curl command lines that your Jenkins job must invoke to trigger execution of a pipeline in Pipelines.

Jenkins Callbacks.png

Default Environment Variables

When you add this integration directly to a step, a set of environment variables is automatically made available.

Environment variable



HTTP endpoint of Jenkins


Callback Username


Callback Password