Environment Variable | Description |
res_<resource_name>_interval | The cron string that specifies the time(s) or interval |
res_<resource_name>_isTrigger | Provides the value of the inputResources: - name: CronNightly trigger: false |
res_<resource_name>_operation | Specifies the relationship between the step and the resource, indicating whether it serves as an input (IN) or output (OUT) resource. |
res_<resource_name>_resourceId | Provides the value of resource Id for the resource. |
res_<resource_name>_resourcePath | Full path of the resource folder on the node |
res_<resource_name>_resourceVersionId | Provides the value of the latest resource version Id for the resource. |
Use the following environment variables to identify if a cron triggered a run or a step:
Step: step_triggered_by_resource_name=<name_of_cron>
Run: triggeredByResourceName=<name_of_cron>
Whenever CronTrigger
is used in a step, a set of environment variables is automatically made available that you can use in your step.