The Distribution Integration connects your JFrog Pipeline Automation platform to a Distribution instance.
Creating a Distribution Integration
Add this integration by following steps on the Managing Pipelines Integrations page.
Here is the information you need to create this integration:
Name -- Choose a friendly name for the integration
Distribution URL -- The Distribution URL is automatically added for the user adding the integration. If required, you can manually enter the HTTP Endpoint (URL) for your JFrog Distribution.
User -- The Distribution username is automatically added for the user adding the integration. If required, you can manually enter the username for your JFrog Distribution.
API Key -- Your Distribution API key.
Click Get API Key to automatically fetch API key for the user adding the integration. If the API key does not exist, a new one is generated. If required, you can manually enter the API key for your JFrog Distribution.
Signing Key Passphrase -- Your optional GPG signing key passphase.
A Distribution integration is used in the following resources:
Default Environment Variables
When you create a DistributionRule or ReleaseBundle resource with this integration, a set of environment variables is automatically made available that you can use in your scripts.
Environment variable | Description |
| Distribution URL |
| Username supplied in the integration |
| API Key supplied in the integration |
| GPG signing key passphrase supplied in the integration |
When you add this integration directly to a step, a set of environment variables is automatically made available that you can use in your scripts.
Environment variable | Description |
int_<integration_name>_url | Distribution URL |
int_<integration_name>_user | Username supplied in the integration |
| API Key supplied in the integration |
| GPG signing key passphrase supplied in the integration |
This example uses a BuildInfo resource to create, sign and distribute a release bundle. It assumes that a Distribution integration named myDist
has been created.
In addition to the Distribution integration, this example requires an Artifactory integration or JFrog Platform Access Token Integration.
The Pipelines DSL for this example is available in this repository in the JFrog GitHub account.
template: true # required for local templates valuesFilePath: ./values.yml resources: # Build info of first build to bundle - name: gosvc_promoted_build_info type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{ .Values.myArtifactoryIntegration }} buildName: svc_build buildNumber: 1 # Build info of second build to bundle - name: appl_promoted_build_info type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{ .Values.demoArtifactoryIntegration }} buildName: backend_build buildNumber: 1 # Release bundle - name: release_bundle type: ReleaseBundle configuration: sourceDistribution: {{ .Values.distributionIntegration }} name: demo_rb version: v1.0.0 # Signed version of the same release bundle - name: signed_bundle type: ReleaseBundle configuration: sourceDistribution: {{ .Values.distributionIntegration }} name: demo_rb version: v1.0.0 # Distribution rules - name: distribution_rules type: DistributionRule configuration: sourceDistribution: {{ .Values.distributionIntegration }} serviceName: "*" siteName: "*" cityName: "*" countryCodes: - "CN" - "GB" pipelines: - name: demo_release_mgmt steps: - name: bundle type: CreateReleaseBundle configuration: releaseBundleName: demo_rb releaseBundleVersion: v1.0.${run_number} dryRun: false sign: false description: "some random test description" inputResources: - name: gosvc_promoted_build_info trigger: true - name: appl_promoted_build_info trigger: true outputResources: - name: release_bundle releaseNotes: syntax: markdown content: | ## Heading * Bullet * Points - name: sign type: SignReleaseBundle configuration: inputResources: - name: release_bundle outputResources: - name: signed_bundle - name: distribute type: DistributeReleaseBundle configuration: dryRun: false inputResources: - name: signed_bundle - name: distribution_rules