This Pipelines Task enables you to update the transition on a provided Jira issue key.
This Task requires a Jira integration.
To update transition to an issue you need to specify an issue key and a valid transition name as task inputs.
- task: jfrog/jira-transition@v0.0.1 input: issueKey: "TAS-1" # Issue key of the jira where you want to update the transition jiraIntegrationName: "jira_int" # Name of the Jira integration transitionName: "To Do" # Transition name to what you want to update your issue to
Input Variables
Name | Required | Description |
jiraIntegrationName | true | Name of the Jira integration |
issueKey | true | |
transitionName | true | Name of the transition |
Output Variables
Exported Environment Variables
How does it work?
The task uses the Add Comment Jira Rest API to post the comment to the Jira issue.