This topic relates to Creating Custom VM Images for use in pipelines. for more information, see Creating Custom VM Images.
Perform the following steps to add an VM image to Pipelines using the UI:
Go to Administration → Pipelines → Node Pools and click the Build Images tab.
Click Add Build Image.
In the resulting Create Build Image screen, provide the following information:
An alphanumeric friendly name for the node pool
Cloud Provider Type
AWS, Azure or GCP
Image ID
VM image id. In AWS, this would be the AMI id
Cloud provider region that the VM image is available in
x86_64 architecture
Operating System
An OS we support
Click Save.
The newly added build image appears in the list.
Now create a node pool using the above buildplane image Id. The build image you created is available for selection in the Build Image drop-down. For more information, see Managing Pipelines Node Pools.