Pipe-Info Repository

JFrog Pipelines Documentation

JFrog Pipelines
Content Type
User Guide

The Pipe-Info repository, like the Build-Info Repository, is a local repository that is created per Project and stores all the metadata for each pipeline.Build Integration

Whenever Pipelines uploads a new build to Artifactory, its pipeinfo json files are automatically deployed to either the default artifactory-pipe-info repository or the <project_key>-pipe-info repository. Pipeline artifacts that do not belong to any Project are stored in the artifactory-pipe-info repository and pipeline artifacts that belong to specific Projects are stored in the <project_key>-pipe-info repository.

Viewing pipe-info Repository

To view the pipe-info repository, from the Application module, click Artifactory | Artifacts and then click the artifactory-pipe-info repository.

Artifactory automatically places the json files in the pipe-info repository using the following structure: [pipeline-name] → [branch] → [run-rumber] → [pipe-info files].


The JSON schema defines a pipeinfo object. The object is composed of three components, which summarizes a run:

  • head.json: Contains metadata about the pipeline, and the contents of the pipeline yaml file.

  • info.json: Contains metadata about the status of the run.

  • step.json: Contains metadata about the step.

Each .json file is stored with a corresponding .json.sig signature file. To view the contents ofa json file, right-click the file and click View, as shown in the image above.


Using the artifactory-pipe-info repository

  • The artifactory-pipe-info repository is automatically created and used by default. Removing it will cause all the pipe-info in the repository to be deleted and a new default pipe-info repository will be recreated.

  • Only admins and Project admins can view and navigate to this repository.

Cleanup Policies

If you have existing cleanup policies, defined in Artifactory User Plugins, that delete artifacts from your local repositories according to a policy, they will also affect the artifactory-pipe-info repository and should be updated accordingly. Exclude this repository from your cleanup policies to ensure that your pipe info files are not deleted.