A step that uses an integration can access an integration's properties through environment variables. The form of the environment variable is:
int_<integration name>_<tag>
For example, you can access the URL property of an Artifactory Integration named myArtifactory
through an environment variable:
$ printenv int_myArtifactory_url https://mycompany.com/artifactory/
You can also access the properties of an integration through a resource that uses it. The form of the environment variable is:
res_<resource_name>_<integration tag name>_<tag>
For example, an Image resource specifies an Artifactory integration in its registry
tag. You can access the URL of the Artifactory integration used by an Image resource called myImage
as follows:
$ printenv res_myImage_registry_url https://mycompany.com/artifactory/
For more information, see Pipelines Integrations.