HelmPublish - How it Works

JFrog Pipelines Documentation

JFrog Pipelines
Content Type
User Guide

When you use the HelmPublish native step in a pipeline, it performs the below functions in the background. For more information about HelmPublish Pipeline steps, see HelmPublish.

  • jfrog rt config (to configure the JFrog CLI with the Artifactory credentials)

  • jfrog rt use (to set the current default Artifactory configuration)

  • helm init --client-only (if the Helm version is 2)

  • replace_envs (if lint is true and there are valueFilePaths, to replace variable placeholders)

  • helm lint (if lint is true)

  • helm package

  • jfrog rt upload (upload the Helm chart)

  • write_output (to update the version in the output HelmChart resource)

  • jfrog rt build-collect-env (if autoPublishBuildInfo is true, collect environment variables)

  • jfrog rt build-publish (if autoPublishBuildInfo is true, publish the build info)

  • write_output (if autoPublishBuildInfo is true, to update the version in the output BuildInfo resource)