Subscription Information
This feature is supported on the Cloud (SaaS) platform, with an Enterprise X or Enterprise+ license.
To help JFrog customers who wish to reduce the security risks associated with exposing their JFrog SaaS instances via the public Internet, JFrog enables you to set up an AWS PrivateLink connection.
This enables establishing a secure network connection–originating from your own cloud environment (AWS VPC), to your JFrog Cloud (SaaS) instance – without traversing the traffic via the public Internet. Instead, the traffic traverses within the AWS backbone.
This option is currently available for Enterprise X and Enterprise+ subscriptions only.
Get Started
In this procedure, we will guide you through the steps of setting up the AWS PrivateLink. Once you establish the connection, you will be able to connect from your VPC to your JFrog instance via the AWS backbone (i.e., without going through the public Internet).
Important: When using an AWS PrivateLink connection, remember to disable CDN for the repository you are using for this connection.
Setup Process
The process of setting up an AWS PrivateLink connection is split between AWS and JFrog. These are the high-level steps you will need to complete for this procedure.
Before You Get Started
If you want to use your own custom domain to access your JFrog Platform instance (e.g., ), but have not yet set one up, do so now before beginning the process detailed below. Contact JFrog support to set up this configuration for you.