August 2021

JFrog Hosting Models Documentation

Content Type
User Guide




Binary Management

URL Normalization is Now Prevented for Remote Repositories

Remote repositories are now enabled with the new disableUrlNormalization parameter to prevent URL normalization from occurring.


Added Namespace Support for Helm Virtual Repositories

You can now assign namespaces to local and remote repositories in Helm virtual repositories, allowing you to explicitly state which aggregated repository to fetch.

Build Info Supports Aggregated Builds

Aggregated builds are builds that contain multiple steps and can run on multiple machines. Aggregated buildsare now represented by Build Info using the new 'type' parameter under the module section in the UI.

Builds Info REST API Displays the VCS Parameter

The VCS property is now displayed in the BuildInfo REST API response.

PHP Composer V2 Support

Artifactory supports PHP Composer V2 in addition to V1. From Artifactory 7.24 Local PHP repositories will automatically be created in V2, which supports faster download times and enhanced performance.

PHP Composer Drupal 7 and 8 Registry Support

You can now upload Drupal version 7 and 8 packages to PHP Composer remote repositories.

Security & Compliance

Set a Grace Period before Failing Build

You can now set a grace period in a Policy for build failure, allowing you to stop a build from failing if violations exist, for the period of time you set (requires Artifactory version 7.25.x and higher).

New Filter in Watches

Filter the Watches list in the Watches page in Xray to narrow down and display only Watches that are relevant to you (requires Artifactory version 7.25.x and higher).

Filter Ignore Rules

Use an array of different filtering options to narrow down the list of Ignore Rules by the filter criteria you select (requires Artifactory version 7.25.x and higher).

Xray Reports Clone

Create a clone of an existing report in Xray Reports to reuse a report and its defined settings, saving you the time of recreating reports that you use often. This feature requires Artifactory 7.23.x and above.

Release Bundle Details REST API

Added a new Release Bundle Details REST API that returns license and security violations found in a Release Bundle.


Support for Helm Blue-Green Deployments

Introduced three new native steps to support Helm Blue/Green deployments on Pipelines for Helm deployments. This feature enables users to test releases in production before making them visible to users, while also providing a quick way to roll back changes if needed.

Pipeline-level Integrations and Resources

When defining a pipeline's YAML, integrations, input resources, output resources, and affinity groups can now be defined in the pipelines configuration section to apply them to all steps in the pipeline.

Signed Pipelines Enhancements

  • Added Signed Pipelines support for Docker images pushed in a DockerPush step and signed release bundles created in the CreateReleaseBundle native step.

  • Added support for PowerShell versions for signed pipelines in the MvnBuild and GradleBuild native steps.

Support for Adding Values Definition in the UI

When using a template, you can now add values definition for the pipeline source without pointing it to an SCM repository and define the pipeline source values directly in the UI.

Support for SSH/HTTPS Clone for GitRepo Resource

The GitRep resource now includes a new tag that can be configured to use either SSH or HTTPS protocol when cloning a Git repository.

Branch Name in Run View

When working with multi-branch pipelines, the run view now displays a breadcrumb that includes the name of the branch being used and a drop-down that lists all the branches.

HTTPS Clone Support for BitBucket Server

Pipelines now provides HTTPS Clone support for BitBucket Server.

SMTP Credentials Integration Enhancement

Added a new option to the SMTP Credentials Integration called ignoreTLS that provides more flexibility when connecting with SMTP servers.