Install JFrog Products by Subscription Type

JFrog Hosting Models Documentation

Content Type
User Guide

To use JFrog products, you'll need to first install JFrog Artifactory. Once installed, you can continue to install additional products according to your subscription type and organization needs.


The new major versions of the JFrog Platform products are not backward compatible with previous major versions.JFrog Release Information

JFrog products should be installed in the following order:

  1. Install ArtifactoryInstalling Artifactory

  2. Install Insight (Enterprise+ only)Installing Insight

  3. Apply your JFrog License depending on your license type, you can:Manage Licenses

    • either deploy a license manually to Artifactory (using the onboarding wizard on initial startup)

    • or use a license bucket after connecting Insight

  4. Install Artifactory Edge node(s) (optional)Installing Artifactory

    The installation process is identical to installing any other Artifactory instance.

  5. Install XrayInstalling Xray

    • Trial License: upload it to your JPD as a separate file.

  6. Installing DistributionInstalling Distribution

  7. Install PipelinesInstalling Pipelines

Below are the products you have access to for each subscription.


Products in purple are mandatory and products in black are optional depending on your organization needs.

Subscription Type

JFrog Products to Install

Artifactory OSS (Free)

  • JFrog Artifactory Open Source: Maven and Generic Package Manager Repository

Artifactory CE (Free)

  • JFrog Artifactory Conan Edition: Conan C/C++ and Generic Package Manager Repository

JFrog Container Registry (Free)

  • JFrog Container Registry (Powered by Artifactory): Docker, Helm and Generic Package Manager Repository


  • JFrog Artifactory: Universal Package Manager Repository

Pro X

  • JFrog Artifactory: Universal Package Manager Repository

  • JFrog Xray: Security and Compliance Scanning

Enterprise X

  • JFrog Artifactory: Universal Package Manager Repository

  • JFrog Xray: Security and Compliance Scanning


  • JFrog Artifactory: Universal Package Manager Repository

  • JFrog Insight: Manage DevOps Insights

  • JFrog Xray: Security and Compliance Scanning

  • JFrog Pipelines: CI/CD pipeline orchestration

  • JFrog Distribution: Global software distribution