February 2023

JFrog Hosting Models Documentation

Content Type
User Guide





MyJFrog Platform Updates

Generate an API Token in MyJFrog

You can now generate a token that will allow you to make changes to your JFrog account via REST API.

API Allowlist Management in MyJFrog

Added API endpoints that allow you to view, add, and delete IPs from your JPD IP allowlist through MyJFrog.ALLOWLIST REST API

Force Authentication for P2 Virtual Repositories

It is now possible to Enable Forced Authentication for P2 virtual repositories.

New Release Bundle Retention Management

Added a new Release Bundle retention policy feature for Release Bundles received in Artifactory, which can be configured to run automatically or on-demand using a new set of REST APIs.RETENTION

Readme Tab in Package Information

The readme content of a package is now viewable directly from the WebUI for PyPI, npm, NuGet, Cargo, CRAN, Helm, and Swift.

New Custom Environments for Projects

Custom environments enable you to allocate repositories in ways that best serve the needs of your organization. Custom environments can be created at the global level, where they are available for users of all projects, or at the project level for the members of that project. At the project level, specific roles can be assigned to custom environments, which enable you to implement a more granular permissions model for that project.Environments

NuGet SetMeUp Enhancements

The NuGet SetMeUp in the JFrog Platform UI now includes support for NuGet V3.

Support for Repository Names Starting With a Number

Artifactory repositories can now have a name that starts with a numeric character.

Updated the Get Token by ID and Delete Token by ID APIs

Users can now fetch the reference token details using either the token-id or their own token (me).

Checksum Replication API for Target Artifactory

Added a new checksumReplication API that allows you to set the checkBinaryExistenceAllowed flag at the target Artifactory so that only the metadata is replicated from the source Artifactory while the storage level synchronization replicates the artifacts.

Monitoring Federated Repositories

Administrators can now monitor the status of Federated repositories. Administrators can see whether there are significant synchronization delays between the Federated repositories on the local JPD and other Federation members on remote JPDs. In addition, they can track the number of binaries that the JPD must fetch from other JPDs. For more information, see View Federation Sync Status.Working with Federated Repositories

Changing the Base URL for an Active Federation

It is not possible to change the base URL while the Federation that uses it is still active.Change the Base URL in Federated Repositories

New Swift Login Command

You can now access Artifactory via the Swift client using the new authentication command.Swift Registry


YAML Validator for Values YAML

The YAML validator now includes a tab to validate values YAML. For more information, see Validating YAML.Validate YAML

Retention Policy Enhancements

Enhanced retention policy's system configuration properties to allow setting retention cron's hours interval, days of the week, and time zone. For more information, see Setting Retention Policy.Setting Retention Policy

Error Status Code for Test Connection

Users can now see upstream status codes when adding/editing integrations when clicking the Test Integration button.

Download Run State

Removed the auto-creation of Pipeline's step run state archive that can be downloaded from the UI. This can be re-enabled for debugging by using a newly-introduced environment variable called JFROG_PIPELINES_RUN_STATE_DEBUG.

Develop and Test Templates

You can now develop and test templates before they are released for general consumption. This helps in reducing the lifecycle of developing and using a template. Templates can be developed and tested from your local SCM repository and released to a wider audience only when you are ready to do so.

Trigger Run with Custom Run Number

When triggering a run with custom parameters, you now have the option of setting a custom run number for the next run.

Reset Resource Button Removed from Run View

The Reset Resource button has been removed from the Resources tab in the Run view. However, it will continue to be available in the Resources tab of the dashboard and in the Graph view.