Product | Update | Details |
Platform | New JFrog Platform Onboarding Experience | We have introduced a new Onboarding experience in the UI for Admin users. This new interactive experience guides the user through the essential onboarding steps to get started with the JFrog Platform. |
Platform Security | Verify Audience Restriction Applied for SAML SSO | The |
Binary Management | Improved Maven Plugin Metadata Calculation | Maven plugin metadata is now calculated for every deploy or delete actions. |
Security & Compliance | Alpine Package Support in Xray | Xray now scans and indexes your Alpine Repositories and Alpine Packages, including recursive analysis, component graph integration, and providing detailed metadata information. |
Python Package File Format Support | Xray now supports the indexing of Python files (PyPI) inside .tar, .gz, .tgz, .whl, and .egg file formats. | |
Support PHP files in *.tar Archives | Xray now supports PHP files inside *.tar archives. | |
New Metadata REST API | Added a new Resend Artifacts Metadata REST API that enables administrators to resend artifact metadata to the Metadata Server. | |
Due Diligence Licenses Report | Introduced the new Due Diligence Licenses Report, which provides you with a list of components and artifacts and their relevant licenses enabling you to review and verify that the components and artifacts comply with the license requirements. |