Subscription Information
This feature is supported on the Cloud (SaaS) platform, with an Enterprise X or Enterprise+ license.
The JFrog Cloud with Amazon's CloudFront CDN solution allows Enterprise users to manage, control and distribute high volumes of software distribution across multiple locations.
The main advantages of using Artifactory with CDN are:
Integrated advanced CDN solution without having to deal with the complexity of setting up a separate external CDN Caching system.
Powerful fine-grained permissions model and authentication capabilities, as well as allow access to content via signed URLs.
Full control of which content is accessible via CDN as the CDN can be enabled at the repository level and can be managed using the UI or via the REST API.
Apply country and IP filtering.
Supported Cloud Vendors and Regions
CDN is supported on AWS only, including AWS marketplace customers. All AWS regions are supported except for North California and China.
For Enterprise customers, CDN redirects will only work for anonymous users.