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Crashing Industrial Control Systems at Pwn2Own Miami 2022

Crashing Industrial Control Systems at Pwn2Own Miami 2022

Earlier this year, the JFrog Security research team competed in the Pwn2Own Miami 2022 hacking competition which focuses on Industrial Control Systems (ICS) security. We were proud to take part in this competition and join other researchers in the effort to make mission-critical industrial environments safe and secure. During the Pwn2Own Miami competition we competed…
Recapping Yalla! DevOps 2022

Recapping Yalla! DevOps 2022

.twitter-tweet{margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;} TL;DR Yalla! DevOps 2022 community event -- Learning. Networking. Fun. Driven by the DevOps community. All about the DevOps community. Yalla! DevOps was back again this year with an exciting lineup of content ranging from DevOps, DevSecOps, professional development and more. Local speakers from the DevOps community and industry…
How To Put Cloud Nimble to Work to Segment Dev/Test from Production

How To Put Cloud Nimble to Work to Segment Dev/Test from Production

In every workplace, most work gets done at the most cluttered desks. Yet the business also requires an orderly front office to run efficiently. It’s much the same with your DevOps pipeline environments, as the rough and tumble process of innovating code must ultimately produce cleanly released applications. Continuous integration means that developers perform many…
7 Ways to Accelerate Cloud Native Development

7 Ways to Accelerate Cloud Native Development

Modern enterprises understand the need to move away from developing monolithic applications to ones that make best use of the cloud to enable business acceleration at scale and speed. That means transforming development to more resilient cloud native architectures that can be readily deployed to cloud, multi-cloud, and hybrid environments. What does it mean to…
JFrog Xray Integration with AWS Security Hub

JFrog Xray Integration with AWS Security Hub

SecOps demands vigilance, but it requires visibility, too. With JFrog’s latest integration for Xray with AWS Security Hub, you can help make sure that discovered vulnerabilities are not just seen, but quickly acted on. AWS Security Hub is the cloud security posture management service available to AWS users. It provides central security administration across AWS…
How To Put Cloud Nimble to Work to Shift Left Security

How To Put Cloud Nimble to Work to Shift Left Security

Shifting security left means preventing developers from using unacceptably vulnerable software supply chain components as early as possible: before their first build. By helping assure that no build is ever created using packages with known vulnerabilities, this saves substantial remediation costs in advance. Some JFrog customers restrict the use of open source scanning software (OSS)…
Testing resiliency against malicious package attacks: a double-edged sword?

Testing resiliency against malicious package attacks: a double-edged sword?

The JFrog Security research team continuously monitors popular open-source software (OSS) repositories with our automated tooling to avert potential software supply chain security threats, and reports any vulnerabilities or malicious packages discovered to repository maintainers and the wider community. At times, we notice trends that are worth analyzing and learning from. Recently, we’ve noticed a…
Team Up on DevSecOps with JFrog Platform App for Microsoft Teams

Team Up on DevSecOps with JFrog Platform App for Microsoft Teams

The JFrog DevOps Platform is your mission-critical tool for your software development pipelines. The results of key binary management events in JFrog Artifactory, JFrog Xray, and JFrog istribution can reveal whether or not your software pipelines are on-track to deliver production-quality releases.  The new JFrog Platform app for Microsoft Teams brings real-time visibility and awareness…
CVE-2022-25845 – Analyzing the Fastjson “Auto Type Bypass” RCE vulnerability

CVE-2022-25845 – Analyzing the Fastjson “Auto Type Bypass” RCE vulnerability

A few weeks ago, a new version for Fastjson was released (1.2.83) which contains a fix for a security vulnerability that allegedly allows an attacker to execute code on a remote machine. According to several publications, this vulnerability allows an attacker to bypass the “AutoTypeCheck” mechanism in Fastjson and achieve remote code execution. This Fastjson…