Expanding Artifactory’s Hugging Face Support with Datasets

When working with ML models, it’s fair to say that a model is only as good as the data it was trained on. Training and testing models on quality datasets of an appropriate size is essential for model performance. Because of the intricate link between a model and the data it was trained on, it’s …

Embracing Complexity in DevOps: Software Supply Chain State of the Union 2024

As we delve deeper into the era of software reliance, the 2024 JFrog Software Supply Chain report emerges as required reading for developers and DevOps professionals who are at the frontline of today’s technological innovations. DevOps and development themes from the 2024 report The report combines Artifactory data, analysis from the JFrog Security Research team, …

Removing Friction Between DevOps and Security - Thumbnail

Removing Friction Between DevOps and Security is Easier than you Think

Removing friction between DevOps and Security teams can only lead to good things. By pulling in the same direction, DevOps can make sure developers continue to work with minimum interruption, while automation and background processes make security more effective and consistent than before. And, security teams have the visibility and understanding of the software development …

Live Panel Recap: Women in DevOps

In celebration of International Women’s Day, I had the pleasure of speaking with two incredible female leaders in the software industry on our live panel session, “Women in DevOps: Moments of Leadership and Tech Evolution.” During the conversation with Jyostna Seelam, Senior Manager at Capital One, and Tracy Ragan, CEO of DeployHub, we discussed the …

Friction between DevOps and Security – Here’s Why it Can’t be Ignored

Note: This post is co-authored by JFrog and Sean Wright and has also been published on Sean Wright’s blog. DevOps engineers and Security professionals are passionate about their responsibilities, with the first mostly dedicated to ensuring the fast release and the latter responsible for the security of their company’s software applications. They have many common …

The State of Software Supply Chain Security in 2024

In today’s fast-paced software development landscape, managing and securing the software supply chain is crucial for delivering reliable and trusted software releases. With that in mind, it’s important to assess whether your organization is set up to handle the continuous expansion of the open-source ecosystem and an ever-growing array of tools to incorporate into your …

How a DevOps company does DevOps

How a DevOps Company Does DevOps

At JFrog, we believe in practicing what we preach by “drinking our own champagne.” This means that we not only develop and deliver market-leading products but also utilize our own solutions in our development processes. When it comes to managing development environments, we aim to implement the best-in-class approaches. By adopting these top-tier practices, we …

Speed and Trust in Enterprise Software Development

How to Combine Speed and Trust in Enterprise Software Development

Software development begins with code, which is then integrated, compiled, tested, and in the end distributed to users. This is often the secret sauce of innovation that organizations must protect to keep their competitive edge. With the software application development market growing at almost 30% per year and the average project taking just 4-6 months …

Get Ready for Next. swampUP 2023

Get Ready for Next.
Put DevOps, DevSecOps, and AI to Work.

Our community has always had a “next.” There was the dawn of the computer age, when “next” meant that processing didn’t take up an entire room. There was the “next” of personal computing. Next came laptops, the internet, microservices, cloud-native, cybersecurity, automation and more. The thing that is next is always right around the corner …