JFrog Xray and NeuVector

Delivering Shift-Left Security with NeuVector and JFrog Xray

Bringing Kubernetes app security insights to developers This post is co-authored by Craig Peters of JFrog and Henrik Rosendahl of NeuVector and is also cross-posted on the NeuVector blog. Kubernetes, the container and orchestration tool favored by enterprises, provides great benefit in automating many aspects of application deployment at scale. But, like any emerging technology, …


Manage Your Docker Builds with JFROG CLI in 5 Easy Steps!

This blog post was update on March 28, 2022 JFrog CLI is a useful client that provides a simple interface that works smoothly with JFrog Artifactory and Jfrog Xray. The simplified CLI commands enable you to create readable automation scripts that are easy to maintain, efficient and reliable. From version 1.14.0, JFrog CLI has extended its …


Xray and Aqua Keeping Your Containers in Safe Waters

While Docker has become all the rage, it is still a relatively new technology in the market. Many companies have introduced it into their organizations, but relatively few have taken Docker to production. One of the reasons is the security risk inherent in running a large set of containers, often based on open source code, …


Whale Parts in Your Docker Registry

There are many good reasons why you would set up a private Docker registry in Artifactory to manage your Docker images. One of them is the ability to promote images, letting you easily move and copy images from one repository to another in your CI/CD pipeline while setting different access privileges. Another is Artifactory’s universal …

Is Docker Hub really the best way to distribute your images?

Docker is definitely one of the biggest things to hit the software industry in the last few years. Everyone is using Docker, and Docker Hub is growing rapidly serving over 45,000 images by now. But did you ever ask yourself if Docker Hub is really the best platform to distribute your Docker images. It stands …


5 Things You Should Know About Docker Registries in Artifactory

As a universal artifact repository manager, Artifactory is, among other things, a fully fledged Docker registry. In addition to storing and managing Docker images, Artifactory also offers extensive integration with your CI pipeline, supports authentication through external providers, high availability, massively scalable storage and is constantly updated to support the latest Docker client version and …

Taking Docker to Production with Confidence

Many organizations developing software today use Docker in one way or another. If you go to any software development or DevOps conference and ask a big crowd of people “Who uses Docker?”, most people in the room will raise their hands. But if you now ask the crowd, “Who uses Docker in production?”, most hands …

Docker is Not Alone

JFrog Artifactory – The Only Universal Enterprise Repository Manager During DockerCon 2015 in SF, Solomon Hykes asked the audience: “Who is using Docker and nothing else”? No one in the audience raised their hand. Our Developer and DevOps 2015 Survey reinforces this point and adds what developers are using together with Docker. In JFrog’s Developer and …

Docker Has Arrived, But Has Your Ship Really Come In?

In many ways it has. Docker has emerged as the “King of Containers” with more and more enterprises adopting Docker technology to run applications in data centers, on IT infrastructure and developer laptops alike. Docker’s decoupling of applications from their environments has effectively revolutionized how software is run. However, as with any (relatively) new technology, …