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Latest LastPass security breach highlights developers as a high-value target

Latest LastPass security breach highlights developers as a high-value target

Last August, the maintainers of the LastPass cloud-based password manager tool reported a security breach in their servers. The disclosure maintained that an unauthorized party gained access to the LastPass development environment through a single compromised developer account. However - while source code and technical information was stolen, no user data was compromised and no…
Maximizing Cost Efficiency with the JFrog Cloud DevOps Platform

Maximizing Cost Efficiency with the JFrog Cloud DevOps Platform

As businesses strive to keep up with the speed of digital transformation, they're turning to DevOps practices to help them automate the delivery of code changes. In a world where delivering secure quality software updates fast-drives business value, enter the JFrog Cloud DevOps Platform. The JFrog Platform unifies, accelerates, and secures your software delivery, from…
PyPI malware creators are starting to employ Anti-Debug techniques

PyPI malware creators are starting to employ Anti-Debug techniques

The JFrog Security Research team continuously monitors popular open-source software (OSS) repositories with our automated tooling, and reports any vulnerabilities or malicious packages discovered to repository maintainers and the wider community. Most PyPI malware today tries to avoid static detection using various techniques: starting from primitive variable mangling to sophisticated code flattening and steganography techniques.…
IDC LINK: JFrog Introduces New Software Supply Chain Security Capabilities

IDC LINK: JFrog Introduces New Software Supply Chain Security Capabilities

As software becomes increasingly complex, the need to secure the software supply chain becomes more important — and more difficult.  But how can businesses address the challenges of securing their software supply chain? The International Data Corporation (IDC) offers critical insight. Following the release of JFrog Advanced Security on October 18, 2022 – the world’s…
Invisible npm malware – evading security checks with crafted versions

Invisible npm malware – evading security checks with crafted versions

The npm CLI has a very convenient and well-known security feature - when installing an npm package, the CLI checks the package and all of its dependencies for well-known vulnerabilities - The check is triggered on package installation (when running npm install) but can also be triggered manually by running npm audit. This is an…
Turns out 78% of reported common CVEs on top DockerHub images are not really exploitable

Turns out 78% of reported common CVEs on top DockerHub images are not really exploitable

Research motivations Similarly to our previous research on “Secrets Detection,” during the development and testing of JFrog Xray’s new “Contextual Analysis” feature, we wanted to test our detection in a large-scale real-world use case, both for eliminating bugs and testing the real-world viability of our current solution. However, unlike the surprising results we got in our…
Common Payloads Attackers Plant in Malicious Software Packages

Common Payloads Attackers Plant in Malicious Software Packages

In this third post in our series on Malicious Software Packages, we’ll focus on the aftermath of a successful attack and how the attacker executes payloads to serve their needs through various real-life scenarios. Before we start, let’s review a few highlights from the second post you might've missed: There are common types of infection methods…
JFrog’s security scanners discovered thousands of publicly exposed API tokens – and they’re active! The Full Report

JFrog’s security scanners discovered thousands of publicly exposed API tokens – and they’re active! The Full Report

Note: This report was previously published in InfoWorld When developing the recently announced JFrog Advanced Security, our Research team decided to try out its new “Secrets Detection” feature. Our goal was to test our vulnerability detection on as much real world data as possible, to make sure we eliminate false positives and catch any bugs…
Five Examples of Infection Methods Attackers Use to Spread Malicious Packages

Five Examples of Infection Methods Attackers Use to Spread Malicious Packages

Welcome to the second post in our series on Malicious Software Packages. This post focuses on the infection methods attackers use to spread malicious packages, and how the JFrog Security research team unveiled them. If you missed the first blog, here are some key takeaways: Third-party software packages contain vulnerabilities or malicious code delivered through…
CVE-2022-3602 and CVE-2022-3786 – High-severity OpenSSL Vulnerabilities Finally Published

CVE-2022-3602 and CVE-2022-3786 – High-severity OpenSSL Vulnerabilities Finally Published

How did we get here? On October 25th, The OpenSSL team announced that OpenSSL 3.0.7 will contain a fix for a critical severity vulnerability that affects OpenSSL 3.x. The full details about the vulnerability were held in an embargo until November 1st. Due to the rarity of an OpenSSL critical-severity issue and the overwhelming popularity…