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Compliance Made Easy with JFrog Xray

Compliance Made Easy with JFrog Xray

As compliance managers, we often find ourselves in a struggle. Our responsibility is to uphold compliance standards but in order to achieve this, we need to “sell” the concept to the relevant stakeholders, inter alia the business teams and R&D. We’re put in the position of justifying required changes and processes and are thus mistakenly…
Kubernetes CI/CD Pipelines at Scale

Kubernetes CI/CD Pipelines at Scale

This blog was originally published by Kamesh Pemmaraju on the Platform9 Blog. Kubernetes orchestrates containers reliably at scale while abstracting the underlying infrastructure. Unlike Virtual Machines, this helps developers separate the workloads from the complexities of the infrastructure. Kubernetes is ideal for CI/CD automation because it offers many built-in capabilities that makes application deployment standardized…
4 Reasons to Automate DevOps with JFrog Pipelines

4 Reasons to Automate DevOps with JFrog Pipelines

Every company is now a software company, and thus every company must become a DevOps company. While JFrog has helped thousands of companies enable DevOps, they have had to conquer one of the biggest challenges on their own: automate their entire sprawl of DevOps tools and processes. Until now. At our last swampUP user conference,…
4 Ways Xray and Artifactory Complete DevSecOps

4 Ways Xray and Artifactory Complete DevSecOps

Being universal is a huge part of what makes JFrog Artifactory so effective. Whether you use Jenkins, CircleCI, or Bitbucket to automate your CI/CD pipeline, Artifactory works with those and more. Whether you prefer to store your artifacts in an on-premises filestore or in the cloud, Artifactory will manage them. Which cloud? Artifactory is content…
Automotive DevOps: Rules of the Road Ahead

Automotive DevOps: Rules of the Road Ahead

With software powering all the devices that enable the things we do everyday, software engineers are now the mechanics that keep our modern times running. More and more, we trust the software they create with our lives. As JFrog works to fulfill its vision of continuous updates and liquid software, we’ve paid a lot of…
Shift Your IDE Left With Xray Plugins

Shift Your IDE Left With Xray Plugins

"Forewarned is forearmed,” cautions the old proverb, and that truth coined in the 16th century is even more apt for DevSecOps in the 21st. The earlier you know about vulnerabilities, the better you can avoid making them part of your software. That’s the same principle behind a “Shift Left” DevSecOps strategy. Rather than waiting for…
How JFrog Makes Anthos DevOps Bloom

How JFrog Makes Anthos DevOps Bloom

It must be spring, because Google has sprouted flowers, and JFrog is helping with the bouquet. At this year’s GCP Next, Google announced the rollout of Anthos (the Greek word for “flowers”), a powerful service to build and manage a modern hybrid cloud. With Anthos (formerly Cloud Services Platform), your choices in a computing platform…
Two Tastes of Artifactory on Google Cloud Marketplace

Two Tastes of Artifactory on Google Cloud Marketplace

  Editor's Note (2024): Please refer to the current JFrog Software Supply Chain Platform listing on Google Cloud Marketplace to get started with JFrog on Google Cloud.   When you’ve chosen Google Cloud Platform for your cloud DevOps environment, which flavor of JFrog Artifactory suits you best? Do you crave an artifact repository manager that…
JFrog Xray: Creating Jira Issues using webhooks in a breeze

JFrog Xray: Creating Jira Issues using webhooks in a breeze

  JFrog Xray offers an end-to-end security scanning solution covering the full development lifecycle of your artifacts. This includes vulnerability analysis, security and license compliance, artifact flow control, distribution and more. When Xray finds a security or a licence issue, it will trigger a violation for it. One of the most common use cases during…