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State of DevOps Cloud Solutions 2020

State of DevOps Cloud Solutions 2020

Every company claims to have a cloud/hybrid DevOps platform that enables and powers developers working remotely. Time to make order of the chaos.* In today’s digital age, software drives business innovation. The maturity, speed, quality, and security of your software delivery processes have become key differentiators in this software-driven economy. The COVID-19 reality has pushed…
Why a Unified DevOps Platform Matters

Why a Unified DevOps Platform Matters

In today’s enterprises, DevOps isn’t one process, but many thinly connected tasks. A stack of DevOps tools that need to work together to operate as a single system, each one requiring its own integration and maintenance. The JFrog DevOps Platform unifies our industry-leading products because DevOps has a single goal: to speed releases from code…
Joyful DevOps is Here: Introducing the JFrog DevOps Platform

Joyful DevOps is Here: Introducing the JFrog DevOps Platform

UPDATE: JFrog Pipelines is sunset and will not be supported as of May 2026. Mission Control and Insight are sunset and will not be supported as of EoQ2 '25 release. Unity is strength. And at JFrog, we’re committed to providing the strongest DevOps tools available.  With the promised release of the JFrog DevOps Platform, it’s my…
Automotive DevOps: Rules of the Road Ahead

Automotive DevOps: Rules of the Road Ahead

With software powering all the devices that enable the things we do everyday, software engineers are now the mechanics that keep our modern times running. More and more, we trust the software they create with our lives. As JFrog works to fulfill its vision of continuous updates and liquid software, we’ve paid a lot of…
Looking Up: 4 Technical DevOps Predictions for 2020

Looking Up: 4 Technical DevOps Predictions for 2020

Very soon, we won’t have to look to the heavens to predict our fortunes. By 2020, says a study by IDC, there will be as many bits in the world’s accumulated data and binaries as there are stars in the universe. It will be these 44 zetabytes (44 trillion gigabytes), doubling every two years, that…
Fearless Updates with JFrog Enterprise+: A Step-By-Step Demo

Fearless Updates with JFrog Enterprise+: A Step-By-Step Demo

The JFrog Enterprise+ platform gives you a complete pipeline to control the flow of your binaries from build to production. Managing your software deployment end-to-end. The following screencast demonstrates a complete workflow from managing your JFrog services all the way to creating and securely distributing release bundles to target destinations. All part of the Enterprise+…
Top 10 Reasons Why You Need JFrog Enterprise+

Top 10 Reasons Why You Need JFrog Enterprise+

  UPDATE: JFrog Mission Control and Insight is sunset and will not be supported as of EoQ2 '25 release. More and more companies rely on software to provide value to their customers through product or service updates, websites, mobile apps and more. Whether large or small, these companies can be in any industry segment such as…
Historical Data and your Instances’ and Repositories’ Future

Historical Data and your Instances’ and Repositories’ Future

I never liked history in school. I was more interested in the latest technological developments and what the future had in store. What I didn’t realize at that time was age-old saying  that (paraphrasing) you have to know your history to understand where you’re going. The same is true of your Artifactory instances and repositories.…
MBeans, MBeans They’re Good For Your Heart

MBeans, MBeans They’re Good For Your Heart

Some of you may have gotten a giggle from the title of this post, remembering that children's song  about beans that many of us would gleefully sing every time one of our friends "let loose". But the truth is, MBeans really are good for your heart, especially if you have to monitor a multitude of…