Docker Desktop and JFrog Artifactory

Using Docker Desktop and Artifactory for Enterprise Container Management

As the prevalence of containers continues to expand, managing the push and pull of containers without an enterprise-grade container registry is unwieldy. Many companies utilize JFrog Artifactory as a Docker and Helm registry, but also utilize Docker Desktop strategically to manage their container services. The goal of this blog is to show you how to …

What's New in JFrog Artifactory and Xray

What’s New with JFrog Artifactory and Xray

TL;DR Get the latest on self-hosted Docker rate limits, cutting through violation noise and new package type support. Without doubt, 2020 has been one of the most challenging years for everyone in recent history, but especially for those in the world of DevOps. JFrog has strived to continue developing and innovating at the same pace, …

JFrog and Docker Partnership

Unsere Partnerschaft mit Docker ist von grosser Bedeutung für DevOps-Teams

Wir treten einen großen Schritt an der für unsere Kunden und die gesamte DevOps-Community erhebliche messbare Vorteile bringen wird: Eine bahnbrechende Partnerschaft mit Docker, die Cloud-Anwender der JFrog DevOps Platform von den Beschränkungen des Docker-Hub für das Herunterladen von Images befreit. Diese Vereinbarung stärkt JFrogs lebendiges Ökosystem von Integrationspartnern, das auf unserem Unternehmensgrundprinzip “too integrated …

JFrog and Docker Partnership

Our Groundbreaking Partnership with Docker Is a Boon for DevOps Teams

Today we’re announcing a big move that will yield substantial, concrete benefits for our customers and for the entire DevOps community: A groundbreaking partnership with Docker that exempts Cloud users of the JFrog DevOps Platform from image-pull rate limits on Docker Hub. This agreement further boosts JFrog’s vibrant ecosystem of integration partners, built on the …

Is Docker Hub really the best way to distribute your images?

Docker is definitely one of the biggest things to hit the software industry in the last few years. Everyone is using Docker, and Docker Hub is growing rapidly serving over 45,000 images by now. But did you ever ask yourself if Docker Hub is really the best platform to distribute your Docker images. It stands …