The basics of securing GenAI and LLM development

With the rapid adoption of AI-enabled services into production applications, it’s important that organizations are able to secure the AI/ML components coming into their software supply chain. The good news is that even if you don’t have a tool specifically for scanning models themselves, you can still apply the same DevSecOps best practices to securing …

3 Key Considerations for Securing Your Software Supply Chain

An organization’s software supply chain includes all the elements involved in developing and distributing software, such as components, tools, processes, and dependencies. Each link in this important chain presents the potential for security threats. Recent research conducted by Gartner shows a major increase in attacks targeting code, tools, open-source components, and development processes, particularly in …

Strengthening Software Supply Chain Security: Insights from RSA Conference 2024

It’s a wrap! RSA 2024 brought together cybersecurity experts, industry leaders, and innovators to delve into critical topics defining the future of digital security. One of the key themes that garnered significant attention at RSA 2024 was software supply chain security. The Growing Importance of Software Supply Chain Security With 61% of U.S. businesses directly …

Removing Friction Between DevOps and Security - Thumbnail

Removing Friction Between DevOps and Security is Easier than you Think

Removing friction between DevOps and Security teams can only lead to good things. By pulling in the same direction, DevOps can make sure developers continue to work with minimum interruption, while automation and background processes make security more effective and consistent than before. And, security teams have the visibility and understanding of the software development …

Leveraging Shift Left and Shift Right for End-To-End Application Security

Despite organizations’ best efforts, security threats are on the rise, with malicious actors continuously evolving their tactics. Unfortunately, the situation is only intensifying as hackers from all walks of life leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques. To combat these threats, security teams need to implement gates and controls throughout their entire software …

Friction between DevOps and Security – Here’s Why it Can’t be Ignored

Note: This post is co-authored by JFrog and Sean Wright and has also been published on Sean Wright’s blog. DevOps engineers and Security professionals are passionate about their responsibilities, with the first mostly dedicated to ensuring the fast release and the latter responsible for the security of their company’s software applications. They have many common …

The State of Software Supply Chain Security in 2024

In today’s fast-paced software development landscape, managing and securing the software supply chain is crucial for delivering reliable and trusted software releases. With that in mind, it’s important to assess whether your organization is set up to handle the continuous expansion of the open-source ecosystem and an ever-growing array of tools to incorporate into your …

JFrog CTF 2023 cybersecurity competition

How Capture the Flag Raises Security Awareness and Enhances Enforcement

While many are familiar with championship sports teams like Manchester United, the New York Yankees and Montreal Canadiens, the real question is whether you have ever heard of perennial champions such as “Plaid Parliament of Pwning”, “More Smoked Leet Chicken” and “Dragon Sector”. If not, then get ready to meet the leading teams in the …

goalie blocking malicious package

Shifting Left of Left: Secure Enterprise Data with JFrog Curation

In 2022, nearly 1,700 entities across the globe fell victim to software supply chain attacks, impacting over 10 million people. Nearly each of these attacks included some element of faulty or nefarious open-source code. Software developers commonly rely on open-source components to speed up the development process, but as we can see, this practice has …