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Examining OpenSSH Sandboxing and Privilege Separation – Attack Surface Analysis

Examining OpenSSH Sandboxing and Privilege Separation – Attack Surface Analysis

The recent OpenSSH double-free vulnerability - CVE-2023-25136, created a lot of interest and confusion regarding OpenSSH’s custom security mechanisms - Sandbox and Privilege Separation. Until now, both of these security mechanisms were somewhat unnoticed and only partially documented. The double-free vulnerability raised interest for those who were affected and those controlling servers that use OpenSSH.…
Advanced DevOps Security With Development Flexibility

Advanced DevOps Security With Development Flexibility

Announcing the general availability of JFrog Xray’s advanced security features in self-hosted subscriptions, organizations have the flexibility to manage and secure their software development pipelines in-house and in the cloud. Since Developers and the DevOps infrastructure are the primary attack vector in the software supply chain, we designed our platform and the advanced security features…
Testing the actual security of the most insecure Docker application

Testing the actual security of the most insecure Docker application

Our previous research on CVE exploitability in the top DockerHub images discovered that 78% of the reported CVEs were actually not exploitable. This time, the JFrog Security Research team used JFrog Xray’s Contextual Analysis feature, automatically analyzing the applicability of reported CVEs, to scan OWASP WebGoat - a deliberately insecure application. The results identified that…
Complete your Software Supply Chain with GitLab CI/CD and JFrog

Complete your Software Supply Chain with GitLab CI/CD and JFrog

Software is more than building code. Developing software and ensuring quality builds requires managing a complete software supply chain. With the many security threats across the supply chain, managing each and every aspect of the software you deliver to your customers, including the entire process of how it was made, is critical to your organization.…
Prevent Inadvertent Software Supply Chain Exposures When Allowing Public Access to Private Registries

Prevent Inadvertent Software Supply Chain Exposures When Allowing Public Access to Private Registries

At JFrog, we’re serious about software supply chain security. As a CVE Numbering Authority, our JFrog Security Research team regularly discovers and discloses new malicious packages and vulnerabilities posing a threat to development organizations. We know that in order to deliver trusted software on demand, you must have a secure software supply chain — making…
OpenSSH Pre-Auth Double Free  CVE-2023-25136 – Writeup and Proof-of-Concept

OpenSSH Pre-Auth Double Free CVE-2023-25136 – Writeup and Proof-of-Concept

OpenSSH's newly released version 9.2p1 contains a fix for a double-free vulnerability. Given the severe potential impact of the vulnerability on OpenSSH servers (DoS/RCE) and its high popularity in the industry, this security fix prompted the JFrog Security Research team to investigate the vulnerability. This blog post provides details on the vulnerability, who is affected,…
Advanced Security in your Software Supply Chain – Part 1

Advanced Security in your Software Supply Chain – Part 1

Containerised deployment is widely becoming a standard in every industry, ensuring these containers are protected at every level with a high level of accuracy is one of the most important tasks. Some industry vendors rely solely on the manifest files to provide them with a list of components, others have to manually convert the container…
Detecting Malicious Packages and How They Obfuscate Their Malicious Code

Detecting Malicious Packages and How They Obfuscate Their Malicious Code

Wow! We made it to the last post in our Malicious Packages series. While parting is such sweet sorrow, we hope blogs one, two, and three provide insights into the havoc malicious packages cause throughout your DevOps and DevSecOps pipelines.  In the prior posts: We explained what software supply chain attacks are and learned the…
Watch out for DoS when using Rust’s popular Hyper package

Watch out for DoS when using Rust’s popular Hyper package

The JFrog Security Research team is constantly looking for new and previously unknown vulnerabilities and security issues in popular open-source projects to help improve their security posture and defend the wider software supply chain. As part of this effort, we recently discovered and disclosed multiple vulnerabilities in popular Rust projects such as Axum, Salvo and…