Tour Terraform Registries in Artifactory

Tour Terraform Registries in Artifactory

Why should you keep Terraform module, provider, and backend registries in a binary repository manager like Artifactory? Because, like your builds, packages, and other artifacts, your Terraform files are a key part of your software supply chain. Terraform is a widely used open source infrastructure-as-code (IaC) software tool to manage the entire lifecycle of cloud …

The Software Supply Chain Risks You Need to Know

Code that an organization’s developers create is only the beginning of modern software development. In fact, first-party code is likely to be only a small portion of an application – sometimes as little as 10% of the application’s artifact ecosystem. An enterprise’s software supply chain is made of many parts, accumulated from many sources: open …

Complete Your Cloud Kubernetes Registry With Terraform Repositories in Artifactory

When developing container-based services that will be orchestrated by Kubernetes, Terraform is an essential part of your artifact ecosystem. These infrastructure-as-code configuration files help automate the provisioning and maintenance of the cloud environments where your K8s applications will run. That’s why it’s great news that you can now store your Terraform modules, providers, and remote …


Infrastructure as Code Binaries

The advent of cloud computing has made it very easy for IT and DevOps to quickly spin up any variety of environment needed. From small individual boxes that a developer may need, to large and complex production datacenters.  However, the ability to quickly and easily spin up environments, also opens up the risk of spinning …