JFrog’s Software Artifact State of the Union is Here! See What’s Actually Being Used in Software Technology Today

As software development becomes more complex, it’s important for IT and software leaders to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. Tools like Stack Overflow’s Developer Survey and the Tiobe Index can be helpful, but they rely on indirect data and don’t provide a full picture of what’s actually being used in production.

JFrog’s Software Artifact State of the Union is different. It’s based on data from JFrog Artifactory, which is used by over 7,000 customers worldwide, including the majority of the Fortune 100. This gives JFrog a unique perspective on what technologies are being used to create software today.

So what did the report find? Containerization is king, newer programming languages are gaining buzz, but traditional languages are still going strong, and there’s a growing focus on memory-safe languages.

Why are software packages important?

Software packages are critical for a number of reasons. They’re the most accurate indicator of what technologies organizations are using in production. Programming languages are used to write code, but it’s binaries that are running in production. Additionally, they are a reliable proxy for programming languages, given that most package types only serve one or two languages at most.

JFrog’s Software Artifact State of the Union shows package popularity and adoption trends, based on data from JFrog’s 7,000+ customers worldwide. This provides a more accurate picture of what technologies are being used to create software consumed by end users today.

Read the full report to learn more about the critical role software packages play in developer pipelines.

How was the Software Artifact State of the Union compiled?

To create this report, data was collected directly from usage of JFrog Artifactory going back to the start of 2020. This data provides a comprehensive look at what languages and package types are being used by developers around the world, as well as how these trends compare over the past couple of years.

Learn more about the reports’ methodology.

What are some Software Artifact State of the Union Findings?

The JFrog Platform delivers an unmatched view into trends that shaped the Artifact State of the Union. For example, C/C++ is the go-to language used when building software to run on IoT devices, and since January 2020, the use of Conan — the decentralized package manager for C/C++ — has grown 5.2X.

Read the full State of the Union report to learn about key findings.

For deeper insights from the JFrog Software Package State of the Union report read the report, or join us on Tuesday, February 28 for a virtual Coffee Talk, Software Package Trends in 2023, with Senior JFrog Solution Engineer, Bill Manning, and Sean Pratt, Senior Product marketing Manager, JFrog.