JFrog Offerings on AWS Marketplace Cover the Full DevOps Experience

JFrog is excited to announce it has expanded its DevOps offerings in the AWS Marketplace to include the most advanced Container Registry in the market, and an advanced Universal DevSecOps solution allowing developers to invent the best code ever while leaving the overhead to us. In this blog, we will introduce our latest offerings – JFrog Container Registry and Cloud Pro X.

JFrog Container Registry

JFrog Container Registry was added to the AWS Marketplace as part of JFrog’s commitment to bringing together community, developers, and partners on the expanding journey of Docker and Helm, strengthening the technology that supports containers and Kubernetes. 

The JFrog Container Registry powered by Artifactory is a repository manager, which supports Docker container registries, Helm Chart repositories and Generic repositories, allowing you to build, deploy and manage your container images while providing powerful features with fine-grained permission control behind a sleek and easy-to-use UI. It is the only hybrid registry in the market to provide local, virtual, and remote repositories and provides features needed to accelerate an organization’s adoption of microservices and containers. With JFrog Container Registry you can maintain as many Docker registries as you need, public and private. Use it to support your current and future business model with hybrid, cloud, and multi-cloud environments.

How to Get Started with JFrog Container Registry

You can host the JFrog Container Registry as an On-Prem version on your own infrastructure or use the SaaS version hosted by AWS Marketplace. Both versions of JFrog Container Registry share an almost identical set of features, look and feel and functionality but provide you with the flexibility you need when it comes to meeting your organization’s hosting and infrastructure requirements. 

Get JFrog in AWS Marketplace Now

DevSecOps in the Cloud

With just a few mouse clicks on AWS Marketplace, you can have cloud native SaaS, Security, and Simplicity to accelerate your DevSecOps processes on AWS with trusted and rapid software distribution from code to production.

Cloud Pro X, provides integrated security vulnerability & license compliance analysis of JFrog Xray, to help assure that applications delivered through JFrog Artifactory are safe to deploy. For a SaaS subscription to Cloud Pro X through Amazon Web Services, you can leave most of the complicated choices to JFrog on AWS. 

JFrog Artifactory and JFrog Xray with AWS scales with you as your demands grow.  If you develop through AWS services, you can push AWS DevOps through the EC2, ECS, and EKS build process. With this AWS SaaS offering, you can lower your OPEX cost, have a single billing source, and know that Pro X is managing your binaries and keeping you safe from vulnerabilities and compliance violations.

Cloud Pro X helps developers to:

  • Identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities and open source license violations.
  • Rely on a comprehensive security vulnerabilities database.
  • Accelerate development through the “Shift left” practice of the source.

If you’re already using AWS, — as your sole cloud provider, as part of a multi-cloud strategy, or in a hybrid infrastructure — an AWS-hosted Cloud Pro X can make a huge performance difference. 

For existing AWS Marketplace customers, you can simplify your billing through your existing purchase agreement for AWS services. No need to request a new purchase order for your department; when you sign up through AWS Marketplace, subscription fees for Cloud Pro X are paid through your AWS account, using AWS credits.

Get JFrog in AWS Marketplace Now