A Cloud Platform for Defragging Devops

Defrag DevOps with Shippable Cloud Platform

Many software organizations see DevOps as the silver bullet that will streamline their delivery workflow to help them produce software faster than ever before. So they start looking into the tools they will need, and then reality hits like a jab to right cheek. It starts with source control, goes on to CI/CD systems and binary repositories, followed by build tools, databases, testing tools, and that’s just the beginning. Just do an image search for “devops landscape” and you’ll get the picture.  

The workflow required to get applications from source code to running in production is complicated and riddled with fragmented technology solutions. The only way to achieve rapid, iterative innovation is to cobble these fragments together into one continuous pipeline. Unfortunately, custom homegrown pipelines are rigid, inflexible and hard to maintain. The do-it-yourself approach is a distraction and takes valuable cycles away from product engineering.

The DevOps Defrag Cloud Platform

Shippable’s integrated cloud platform is built from the ground up to defragment and streamline the continuous delivery process. The platform is declarative meaning all configuration is YAML based. It is also heterogeneous integrating with all popular tools and cloud infrastructures, as well as cutting-edge technologies like Docker which is natively supported. Finally, the platform is bi-modal supporting both traditional applications like Java based apps as well as cloud-native applications.

Shippable cloud platform with Artifactory

Shippable’s integration with Artifactory

Shippable has integrated Artifactory OSS into its cloud platform, and this comes to bear in two phases of the CD pipeline. During a build, the JFrog CLI in the Shippable config can be used to pull dependencies needed for the build from Artifactory. Then, once the build is complete and the CI process finishes, JAR files are pushed into the target repository in Artifactory. The availability of a new version of the JAR triggers the rest of the continuous delivery workflow on Shippable. Every time a new version of the package is available, Shippable can deploy it to a test environment and manage the workflow around taking it through different environments and finally to production.

Shippable cloud platform workflow

By using Shippable’s cloud platform for CI/CD and release automation, software organizations can accelerate software innovation. Simple YAML based configuration snaps the different parts of the fragmented  DevOps landscape into a coherent software delivery workflow creating custom continuous delivery pipelines with no custom scripting. Defragging your hard drive makes it work faster; with Shippable and Artifactory, defragging DevOps speeds up your delivery workflow.

Defrag your DevOps. Get Shippable now!