
Donโ€™t Let the Maven Deploy Plugin Trip You Up

Apache Maven is a commonly used build tool. It has many cool features such as default processing steps that are included out of the box, and is particularly good for compiling and packaging Java code. But this blog post is not an introduction to Maven. There are plenty of great books that provide that, and โ€ฆ


Speed Up Your Gradle Builds with JFrog Artifactory

Gradle introduced a cool built-in feature that lets you cache task outputs. Why is this cool? Because it reduces build time. How? By sharing the output of Gradle tasks between machines, subsequent builds are accelerated since they can reuse those outputs instead of rebuilding them. Now, this is where it gets even cooler. This feature โ€ฆ

OpenShift with Artifactory: A Powerful PaaS with a JFrog Stack

[deprecated] This blog shows outdated content, please see this blog for the latest information. If youโ€™re containerizing, cloudifying, and doing DevOps, you want your tools to work together nicely so you donโ€™t have the headache of managing infrastructure. We are making it even easier to make your enterprise-grade devops environment work great with JFrog Artifactory โ€ฆ

To Build or Not to Be โ€“ Seminar Videos

JFrogโ€™s Continuous Integration and Build Seminar โ€œTo Build or Not to Beโ€œ, took place on July 1st, 2010 and was a big success.The sessions of Kohsuke Kawaguchi creator of Hudson and CEO of InfraDNA, and Hans Dockter creator of Gradle and CEO of Gradle Inc are now available online.Watch now the videos of โ€œGradle โ€“ A Better Way To Buildโ€œ.and โ€œDoing More with Hudsonโ€œ   โ€ฆ

Dependency Management with .NET โ€“ Doing it Right

The problem of dependency management is neither new nor original, it exists in all development platforms, and .NET is no different. Letโ€™s go through different solutions and see how they perform. Iโ€™ll list them here in no particular order. Keeping dependencies in your source control Thatโ€™s a very popular solution, and for a reason. The โ€ฆ